Wednesday 4 July 2012

Join create and play club FREE

We have extended our Join FREE promotion
If you join Create & Play Club now we will waiver our joining fee, saving you $25.
When you join Create & Play Club as a consultants we have five consultant introductory kits that you can purchase to start your business. You can purchase all the kits or just purchase one. However if you purchases the basic tool kit along with one other introductory kit you will receive and extra 10% off your first order (after your kit order) giving you 30% off + 10 free catalogues + 50 Customer Invitations + 50 Recruit Flyers so it is well worth taking advantage of this offer. You are able add to your kits at anytime, so as your business grows you can add new kits to your workshop supplies.
We have two ways to purchase your Business Kits either all hard copies $50 or mostly electronic $25 again saving you money and also reducing our carbon footprint as you only print the forms as you need them.
Becoming a Create & Play Consultant is easy and you will have loads of fun sharing your love of craft with your customers, family and friends. You only have to sell $400 worth of product a quarter to keep you account active, that is only approx $133 per month.

Feel free to contact me on 0404484777
or for further details.

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